Felix Hofer has been practicing as a lawyer since 1974. As one of the founding and named partners, he worked with his law firm Hofer-Loesch-Torricelli in Firenze, Italy, until December 2018. His practice focused primarily counseling and litigation in areas such as: data protection and privacy issues, IP rights, advertising, marketing and sales promotion campaigns and commercial communication performed on all media. He is still keeps himself up to date in these practice areas. 

Associations and Conferences:

Felix is a member of the Italian Section of AIPPI and of the Global Advertising Lawyers’ Alliance (a founder of the alliance, full member and country representative for Italy until 2017, Emeritus Member, since 2018). He authored articles on legal issues and performed as a speaker at conferences in Europe and in the United States. Appearances include events of the PMA (now BAA), the ANA, the European Academy of Law, JupiterEvents, IAPP, American Conference Institute, ITechLaw, AIPPI, Franklin Pierce Law Center, EDANA and the Electronic Retailing Association.

Felix is fluent in English, German and Italian.


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