
GALA members to speak at the 2017 ANA / BAA Marketing Law Conference
November 13, 2017

In addition to being a sponsor of the ANA/BAA 39th Marketing Law Conference in Chicago on November 13-15, 2017, GALA members will be speaking throughout the conference. 

The GALA panel on Global Advertising will be on Tuesday, November 14th and will be moderated by Cisca Brouwer, Associate General Counsel of Snap Inc. The panelists will include Ricardo Alberto Antequera (Venezuela), Brinsley Dresden (UK), Hande Hancer (Turkey), Jan Ravelingien (Belgium) & Uri Weinstok (Costa Rica).

Other GALA speakers at the event will include:

  • Catherine Bate (Canada) who will moderate a panel "Regulatory Oversight of European & Canadian & American Consumer Marketing"
  • Rick Kurnit (USA - FK) who will moderate a panel "The Right of Publicity vs. Fake News & Other Content Claims"
  • Joseph Lewczak (USA - D & G) who will moderate a panel "The Latest Hot Button Issues in Real Time Marketing & Social Media"D
  • Soren Pietzcker (Germany) will host a rountable on "Traps in Social Media & Internet Advertising in Germany - and How to Avoid Them"
  • Amy Mudge (USA - V) will moderate a panel on "The Complex Interface: Native Advertising, Influencer Marketing & User General Content"
  • Ronald Urbach (USA  - D & G) will lead a session " Transformation Sweeping Advertising Marketing: Key Trends & Legal Developments"
  • Jeffrey Greenbaum (USA - FK) will co-moderate a panel with his partner Brian Murphy (USA - FK) "Content Creep: Media Deals with Custom Content, Native Advertising & Othert Value - Added Elements"
  • Allison Fitzpatrick (USA - D & G) will moderate a panel "Children's Advertising, CARU, COPPA, Connected Trip & Child Influencers"
  • Melissa Landau Steinman (USA - V) will moderate a panel "Complex Loyalty Programs"

In addition to these GALA members there will be sessions led by other members of GALA firms:

  • Aaron Taylor, Davis & Gilbert (USA) will moderate "3rd Party Rights: Brand Licensing Network Clearances & Complex Rights Acquisitions"
  • Jo Farmer, Lewis Silkin (UK) will host a roundtable "Prize Promotions, Gender Stereotyping, Brexit & Other Hot Topics - UK Marketing"
  • Hannah Taylor, Frankfurt Kurnit (USA) will host a roundtable "Chat Bots / Social Bots - Rewards & Risks"
  • Roger Colazzi & Po Yi, Venable (USA) will moderate & speak respectively on a panel "A Case Study in Complex Legal Problem Solving"


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