Alcohol Advertising in Europe, the Middle East & Africa
Alcohol advertising is traditionally under the scrutiny of regulators not only in Europe but also in other parts of the world. On one hand, the emphasis on healthy lifestyles and the protection of minors in society is constantly increasing, on the other hand, the era of internet and social networks brings almost unlimited opportunities for promoters of alcoholic beverages. When is alcohol advertising acceptable and when does it cross the line? Learn from the experiences and recommendations of GALA members from various EMEA countries and discuss current trends and challenges in alcohol advertising.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
2:00- 3:00 p.m.
Central European Time
Dusan Nitschneider
Nitschneider & Partners (Slovakia)
Ana Sofie Benz
VISCHER Ltd. (Switzerland)
Hande Hançer
Gün + Partners (Turkey)
Anikó Keller
Szecskay Attorneys at Law (Hungary)
Peter Marcis
Nitschneider & Partners (Slovakia)
Jenny Pienaar
Adams & Adams (South Africa)
Ewa Skrzydło-Tefelska
Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak (Poland)