Global Advertising Law Year in Review
With the ever-growing importance of social media, mobile marketing, and the internet, advertising has truly gone global. Whether creating traditional advertising, innovative social media campaigns, or sweepstakes and contests with global reach, advising clients on global marketing campaigns is a challenge. Members of the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance will provide an overview of some of the key developments in advertising law around the world over the last year.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
1:00 - 2:00 p.m. EST
Carlos Alberto Arroyo del Rio
Falconi Puig Abogados (Ecuador)
Brinsley Dresden (Moderator)
Lewis Silkin LLP (UK)
Hande Hançer
Gün + Partners (Turkey)
Annie Lee
Venable LLP (USA)
Oscar Molina
Albagli Zaliasnik (Chile)