The Global Legal Challenges of Cannabis Advertising
With the growing legalization of cannabis around the world, this represents a huge opportunity for advertisers, however, it's not without its risks, due to the extensive rules and regulations. Get practical insight on what content to watch out for, how the government regulates this industry, what is permitted in ads, and who is responsible for compliance of cannabis, CBD and hemp advertising. Learn from the experiences and recommendations of GALA members who will discuss the legal challenges in developing cannabis, hemp or CBD promotions in their jurisdictions.
Date Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Time 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. EST
Speakers Bruno Bertolotti Ferrere Abogados (Uruguay)
Eugenia (Evie) Bouras - Moderator Miller Thomson LLP (Canada)
Todd Halpern Venable LLP (USA)
Ricardo Henriques Abreu Advogados (Portugal)
Kareema Shaik Adams & Adams (South Africa)