Key Advertising Law Issues in the Caribbean
Join GALA members from the Caribbean to discuss the legal dos & don'ts when advertising in the Caribbean. The webinar will cover in-depth insights on the latest case law and legislative developments in the region including hot topics such as sweepstakes & promotions, use of celebrities and athletes in advertising, social media marketing & more. You don't want to miss this one of a kind of event!
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. EDT
Dianne Daley McClure
Foga & Daley (Jamaica)
Jamie Angeles
AngelesPons (Dominican Republic)
Karyl Bertrand
Bertrand Legal (Curacao)
Rachael Lodge Corrie
Foga & Daley (Jamaica)
Stephanie Moe
Fitzwilliam Stone (Trinidad & Tobago)
Mandisa Regrello
Fitzwilliam Stone (Trinidad & Tobago)
Maristella Collazo-Soto
Ferraiuoli LLC (Puerto Rico)