Partner of the Firm TRIANA, URIBE & MICHELSEN in Bogotá, D.C., Republic of Colombia, since September 2017 and has been part of the Intellectual Property and Advertising Litigation Department since July 24, 2012.

She is a Specialist in Commercial Law and Master in Economic Law from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. She has practiced her legal profession in areas related to Intellectual Property law and Advertisement law for more than nineteen (19) years.

She has been a professor of Commercial Law, Business Regulation and Intellectual Property at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana since 2008.



Pontifica Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia (Attorney, 2007).

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia (Specilized course in Commercial Law, 2008).

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia (Magister in Economic Law, 2010).



Triana, Uribe & Michelsen, Attorney of the Litigation for Intellectual Property, Advertisement and Data Protection matters, 2012 – Currently.

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Commercial Law and Intellectual Property Professor, 2008 – Currently.

Team Foods Colombia S.A, Intellectual Property attorney, 2011.

Prieto & Carrizosa. Attorney for the Intellectual Property department, 2010-2011.

Financial Superintendence, Attorney for the Fiducial department, 2009-2010.

Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, Attorney for the Trademark Registration Office, 2008-2009.

Ernesto Peña Quiñones y Cia S en C., Attorney, 2007-2008.




Webinar: Global Advertising Law Year in Review - December 7th

December 07, 2023

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Triana, Uribe & Michelsen
Calle 93B No. 12-48 P. 4
Bogotá D.C. 110221 Colombia
(57-1) 6019660 - 6215810
(57-1) 6114209 - 6351914


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