Laura Liguori
Laura Liguori
+39 06 696661
+39 06 69666544

“Laura Liguori is an outstanding lawyer who is always available and hugely competent." (LEGAL 500 2024 - DATA PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION)

Laura joined Portolano Cavallo in 2003 and became a partner in 2007.

She works with Italian and foreign clients on matters related to privacy, cybersecurity, and data protection, IT, internet and e-commerce, artificial intelligence, and IoT. She has more than twenty-five years of experience with compliance and litigation regarding privacy and personal data protection, contracts, and all legal aspects of the internet and e-commerce sector, TMT, internal investigations, digital issues, new technologies, consumer law, and unfair commercial practices. Her clients are mainly involved in the marketing, Life Sciences-Healthcare and clinical trials, and fashion & luxury sectors.

Laura provides assistance to clients facing complex issues related to the data economy, social networks, information governance, database protection, big data, predictive algorithms and analysis, automated profiling and decisions, worker oversight, whistleblowing, geolocation, transfers of personal data abroad, data breach management, privacy-related litigation, M&A in the digital sector, and start-ups. In addition, she assists clients with product and service digitization projects, innovation and transformation of processes, and cybersecurity.

Laura is ranked by Chambers Europe 2024 in the TMT: Information Technology sector (Band 2), by The Legal 500 EMEA 2024 in both the “Data Privacy & Data Protection” (“Hall of Fame”) and the “TMT” sectors (“Leading Individual”), by the Expert Guides (Legal Media Group) in both the “Information Technology” and the “Women in Business Law” categories.

She is also recognized by Who’s Who Legal in several guides: the Data 2024 guide (“Global Elite Thought Leader” for “Data Privacy & Protection” and “Data Security”; “Recommended” for “Information Technology”), Telecoms, Media & Entertainment 2024 (“Recommended” for “Telecoms & Media”), Thought Leaders Global Elite – Data 2023 (“Data Privacy & Protection” and “Data Security”), Thought Leaders – Data 2023 (“Thought Leader” for “Data Privacy & Protection” and “Data Security”), Italy 2023 (“Data”).

She earned her law degree cum laude from Luiss Guido Carli di Roma in 1996. She wrote her thesis on the first Italian personal data protection law.

She earned CIPP/E (Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe) certification from the IAPP (International Association of Privacy Professionals).

Before joining Portolano Cavallo, she worked at an independent law firm from 1997 to 2003. In 2001, she was named partner.

From the Blog

IT Wallet: The Italian Digital Wallet

June 14, 2024 | Laura Liguori

Data Act: New Rights and Obligations Related to the Use of Data

February 05, 2024 | Laura Liguori

Implementing AI systems within the National Healthcare System: The Italian Data Protection Authority published guidelines

November 08, 2023 | Laura Liguori

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Portolano Cavallo
Piazza Borromeo 12
+39 02 722 341
+39 06 69666544


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