Dušan Nitschneider is a founding partner of NITSCHNEIDER & PARTNERS with more than 15 years’ experience in providing legal advice to local and international clients. He heads the firm’s labour & employment and litigation practices and has overall responsibility for the strategy of the office and its business activities. He specialises in labour law, employment, and social rights. In prestigious international rankings, he has been rated as the only first-tier individual lawyer in the field of labour law in Slovakia. He also deals with advertising and intellectual property law. As part of his activities, he provides training and advice to clients, various public administration bodies and foreign institutions. He is also involved in publishing and lecturing, including international conferences and webinars. Dušan is a member of the Slovak Bar Association, Ius Laboris and the board of EELA representing the Slovak Republic. In GALA he serves as a regional president for the EMEA region.

From the Blog

Ako sme na tom pri transpozícii Pay Transparency Directive?

February 11, 2025 | Dušan Nitschneider

Zamestnanec či živnostník?

November 06, 2024 | Dušan Nitschneider

Vedeli ste, že v Rakúsku musí zamestnávateľ vedieť v prípade kontroly pracovnoprávne dokumenty ihneď predložiť?

August 16, 2024 | Dušan Nitschneider

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Webinar: Global Advertising Law Year in Review

December 10, 2024

Webinar: Hot Topics in Advertising Law in Europe - May 30th

May 30, 2024

Webinar - EMEA Advertising Law Year in Review - December 9th - 1pm GMT

December 09, 2021

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Nitschneider & Partners
Lazaretska 12 811 08 BratislavaSlovakia
+421 2 2092 1213



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