Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak

Established in 1991, Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak is one of the leading law firms in Poland, serving both Polish and foreign businesses. The firm currently employs over one hundred attorneys and provides the highest standard of legal services in all facets of business activity. Combining theoretical reflection on law (our Firm employs several current and past academic authorities on Polish law) with a focused emphasis on practical solutions, SK&S is uniquely equipped to deal effectively with the most complicated legal issues present in complex business transactions.

The firm's practice covers all areas of commercial law, with particular emphasis on corporate law and commercial transactions; intellectual and industrial property rights; securities and capital market law; banking and finance; antitrust and unfair competition, as well as energy law. The Firm also has fully-fledged tax and labour law practices and its sizable litigation department has gained considerable experience in litigation before courts of common jurisdiction, the Polish Supreme Court and Supreme Administrative Court, as well as Polish and international arbitration tribunals.

In addition to thousands of satisfied clients whom we have successfully served in over 20 years of practice and who, by word-of-mouth, still represent our most effective marketing tool, SK&S has gained wide recognition and admiration in professional legal circles in Poland and abroad. For many years, the Firm and its attorneys individually have been recognized prominently in international specialist publications, such as: Chambers & Partners, Legal 500, PLC Which Lawyer?, and in rankings of law firms by the dailies Rzeczpospolita and Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, and Forbes monthly. The Firm has been consistently recognized as a leader of the Polish legal practice in the fields of commercial law, intellectual property, court proceedings and arbitration, mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, antitrust law, banking and finance, tax law, as well as labour law.

We take particular pride in having established over the years close cooperation with many renowned international law firms. Through these relations we are able to provide seamless legal advice in complex transactions conducted simultaneously in several jurisdictions. We treasure those professional relations as yet another confirmation of the high regard SK&S' practice is held in by our renowned global practice partners. While steering consistently the course of independent local practice, some of our partners are successfully engaged in the activities of several international organizations and professional associations in their respective areas of practice, such as: The Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance, The EuroITCounsel, The International Bar Association, The International Trademark Association and TRACE. 

We undertake numerous pro bono activities and in this way we participate in shaping the law and the process of its application, thereby contributing to the public good.

In addition to several high-profile cases, many of SK&S' attorneys devote their time to traditional pro bono work, assisting numerous non-profit organizations.

The Firm actively participates in the world of academia helping to shape students who are venturing into law as many of our attorneys with academic backgrounds give lectures and conduct seminars free of charge at Polish and foreign universities and institutions.

From the Blog
First Ruling of the General Court on the Digital Services Act (DSA)

November 06, 2023 | Ewa Skrzydlo-Tefelska

How Digital Services Act Changes the Rules Applicable to Online Advertising

November 06, 2023 | Ewa Skrzydlo-Tefelska

Energy Drinks Not for Persons Under the Age of 18

September 13, 2023 | Ewa Skrzydlo-Tefelska

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Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance releases new video series on recent advertising law developments 

May 01, 2017

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Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak

26 Jasna Street , Warsaw
00-054 , Poland
00 48 61 856 0420


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